Sunday, August 5

I Coulda Killed Someone with that Chocolate

ADDENDA: Betsy found the kilo of Jaques Torres chocolate, openned it and ate a big piece. That made it irresistable to me - when it was sealed, it was off limits and awaiting baking. Once openned, I found myself craving it more and more. After the second piece, I realized unless it disappeared, it would be chocolate for dinner and breakfast for the next few days. So I tossed it out the window - I couldn't bear to toss such an high quality piece of chocolate in the garbage, as I'd probaby go into the garbage at a later point to dig it out and clean it off.

Almost 5 pounds in block form - if that hit someone, it would of made a heck of a headline in the next day's Post - "DEATH BY CHOCOLATE" "WIFE'S CHOCOLATE CRAVING LEADS TO MAD KILO TOSS", etc. If there is a next time, it'll go in the chute in the hallway to the compactor.

Betsy got me a box of wintergreen altoids mints to help me with my sweets cravings. I'm kinda hesitant to believe in their power as much as Betsy, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

10am, half bagel with good butter, lot of water.

LUNCH #1: Noon, veg dim sum (mock shrimp in rice paper roll, mashed taro tresure boxes, mini sticky rice in lotus leaf, small mixed gluten, red bean thingy, spinach dumpling)

PM SNACK: 1pm, wintergreen altoids mint

LUNCH #2: 4:30pm organic low-sodium bacon on toasted bagel, large square of dark chocolate, seltzer

DINNER #1: 7pm, half a trader joes pizza.

EVENING SNACK: 8pm, half square of chocolate, then out the window!

DINNER #2: 9pm, bowl of Annie's mac n' cheese. Hunger 3/5. Salt fiasco. This box of pasta and sauce powder has been in my cupboard for a while - the entire box (of which I'd usually eat) has about 125% of the daily recommended sodium. I ate half the box, and again, this is the first time I realized how salty it tastes.

Right now, I'm reading How I Learned to Cook, (Witherspoon), a collection of essays by famous chefs. On the way to work, one mentioned when he discovered salt - without it, a steak was just eh, but with it, it brought all the flavors to life. More notably, he cooked steak after steak, starting with a few grains then going up till it was just right and more until it tasted salty instead of good. Hmmm. That mac n' cheese tasted salty more than it tasted good. I'm going to make a simple mac n cheese with whole wheat pasta, lots of good butter, and grate a high quality parmesan for the correct balance of salty cheesiness. It won't be a low-sodium meal, but it'll be a lot less than that box crap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

minty mwah!