Sunday, August 26

One Week Till All-U-Can-Eat Pie

Got to be around 10:30, woke up around 2 and could not sleep. Horrible television. Haven't left the house since Tuesday night. I gotta get outta here.

The wedding is one week from today. Why am I feeling a little anxious? That's not the normal me.

AM SNACK: 2am, 2 graham crackers with chocolate hazelnut spread, hunger 3/5

AM SNACK: 5am, small bowl of rice crispies with good milk, hunger 3/5

BREAKFAST: 11am, 1/3 of toased whole wheat bagel, small bowl of cornflakes with good milk, dirt pill, hunger 3/5

4:30pm, one piece pepperoni pizza, side salad, spag & meatballs, bread, water, one beer, hunger 3/5
The first outta town guests for the wedding have arrived. Went again to Isabella's Oven. The pizza was great, but after my last pizza....

Tania is a friend from pre-historic times, and Elijah is her almost-4 year old. HE wanted the pizza, not ME! Then we went home and baked a ridiculously decadent pound cake for his birthday (which is tomorrow.) A cup of butter, a pint of heavy cream, 3 cups of sugar....well, at least it's all organic...

EVENING SNACK: midnight, 2 crumpets with butter, hunger 4/5
I knew if I didn't eat something, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep. Tania brought these over from England, the kind of English Muffins the actual English eat. Full of scary chemicals. Next time I'm over there, gonna find a more natural version in her hood she can bring over next time...

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