Tuesday, September 25

Couch Potato - Potato = Miracle Diet!

Read an interesting article about how not only does exercising not promote weight loss, but that the idea that it should is a recent phenomenon. It tells me what I already know - if I ride my ass off all day, yes, I burn maybe 4x more calories than I do in a normal day, but I also find myself in a food frenzy where I eat at least 4x more. The article insinuates that if you sit around and do nothing, it's a lot easier to eat less calories than you expend.

So I guess couch potatoism minus the potato chips may be the diet craze of the future!

8am, superhippy bread with wholefoods-branded hummus, dirtpill, hunger 2/5
Not particularly hungry after last night's late-night yogurt explosion, but figured it would be bad not to eat. The superhippy bread really is worth the $9 for the half loaf - it has a pleasing density, lots of different cracked seeds and grains give it an interesting texture, a faintly sour-dough flavor keeps it spritely without being salty.

BP 9:30am, 130/84

AM SNACK: 9:30am, 24 oz still water

LUNCH #1: 11:45am, 2 slices sesame pork w/ "lo mein", hunger 4/5
The corporate caf just reopened, and like with lipstick on a pig, it's the same old same old (crappy food, surly service) with a new look. Such crap food, and such small portions!

LUNCH #2: 4:15pm, falafel pita from the lamb guy, hunger 4.5/5
Back to back meetings til 4, felt faint. Last meeting I was day dreaming about wholefoods, what I'm going to make myself for dinner, as Betsy is otherwise engaged this evening....SHRIMP! If I liked berries, I'd make a shrimp n' berries dish, he he.

DINNER: 8pm, green salad, 1 lb of wild caught shrimp a la Noah, roasted organic red jacket potatoes also a la Noah, 8 oz of chocolate butter cookies, seltzer, hunger 4/5
When I say "a la Noah", it means I made it up as I went along because I didn't have the pressure of having to please another person. Shrimp was great, satisfying that I chose it from an array of 4 different kinds (this one looked the freshest), took a solid 20 minutes to peel and devein all of them. Potatoes came out surprisingly well, but I wonder how healthy potatoes are in general...

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