Monday, January 7

Back at Work Work

Feels weird to be back at work. Unnatural. Just had a nice conversation with a coworker who is starting to make her own pasta, I enjoyed being able to tell her the best recipe for a beginner, which was just me a few months ago!

BREAKFAST: 8:45am, good yogurt with honey, vanilla, raw nuts, hunger 3/5

BP: 9:45am, 120/99
I took my BP after reading my work email. oy - mistake, I got several crazy readings, including this one.

AM WATERING: 10am, 24 oz still

LUNCH: 1:45pm, Indian lunch combo with spinach, chickpeas, lentils, rice & nan, hunger 3.5/5
Didn't feel hungry due to work stress until I started eating and realized I actually really was ready for a meal. B.B.T. (Before Blogging & Thinking), I'd of probably just not eaten till I all of a sudden couldn't function and realized I was hungry, then binge on cookies...

DINNER: 7pm, large green salad with organic Italian dressing, small frozen pizza, half bottle of seltzer, hunger 4/5
Weird end of the day at work, messing with my hunger. Frozen pizza been in the freezer for months, ate it before it went bad.

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