On Wednesday, Chef R told me that due to the drop in biz caused by our cratering economy, they didn't need me any more. On the other hand, she mentioned hiring someone new for a part time shift who has pizza experience, because they need someone who can run the shop both in back and front of house.
I understood what she was saying, as it was all true. What surprised me was that when my externship ended, I was clear with her that I wanted to learn more, and volunteered to do unpaid shifts on top of the paid shifts to give her the opportunity to teach me what she does -- like run both back and front of house. I'm disappointed that she didn't have enough faith in me to simply give me the chance to see if I could rock those responsibilities. I know I could have, I have management experience, and just being a prep and assistant cook felt like only part of what I could have done there.
I hoped to see Chef R this evening but it was just me and Chef C. The owner's wife took me aside and was very, very nice to me, reminding me that their decision wasn't personal, and that she'd like to stay in touch in case things change. I thanked her, and told her that I appreciated the chance to learn, but confessed that I was disappointed I wasn't given the chance to step up the game. She said she'd pass my feelings along to Chef R, but I think I'm going to send her an email in any case. I guess Chef R either didn't have the imagination to see a dude go from c-school student and prep newbie to executive chef-in-training in such a short period, OR she truly saw some inadequacy in my performance. If the latter, I really hope she's straight with me so I don't repeat my mistakes at the next cooking gig.
The night was pleasantly busy, though I did burn a couple of pies due to my mind wandering about what was happening. Still, clowning around with Chef C and the rest of the crew made me realize that I really enjoyed being there and enjoyed the work, and won't let the economy (or potential depression) slow me down from getting to a professional spot where B (and future Norbet/Norbetta Jr) will be proud of me. Plans are in the works for 2009.
BREAKFAST: 11:30am, banana, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Would have eaten more but nothing around.
PM SNACK: 2:30pm, cheesecake, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
LUNCH: 5:30pm, slice with onion and sausage, soda, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
PM SNACK: 7:30pm, soda, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
DINNER: 9:30pm, pizza, seltzer, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
The last dinner, so to speak. Made my own pie, started with a base of fresh moz, and went forward from there, caramelized onion, mushroom, pancetta, a little parm, fresh cherry tomatoes, finished with oil and salt. I hit the ratios right on the head, very little of a lot of toppings and got a little bit of everything in each bite. It made me feel better about things -- it tasted like a truly professional pizza.

EVENING SNORTS AND SNACKS: 12:30-2am, 3 scotch and lemonades on ice (all light on the scotch), a couple of mushroom tortes, a terrible carob vegan cookie, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Went to a holiday party in Williamsburg to see a friend and blow off a little steam. Drunk chicks dig fuzzy cashmere sweaters -- I told them that pregnant wives like my own like to wear them, too!
1 comment:
I am always proud of you.
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