In early March '10, I was inspired by an episode of Alton Brown's television show, Good Eats, to attempt to steer my eating habits towards a more nutritionally packed series of foods. Brown breaks it down into four lists:
EVERY DAY: fruits, whole grains, leafy greens, nuts, carrots, green tea
THREE DAYS A WEEK (or more): Oily fish (wild salmon, sardines, etc), yogurt, broccoli, sweet potatoes, avocado
ONCE A WEEK (or less): pasta, one alcoholic drink, red meat, dessert
NEVER: fast food, soda, processed meals, canned soups, "diet" anything (no artificial sweeteners)
Our Need to Feed
Cooking is about processing food and combining, separating, and reducing elements to make something that's more than the sum of its parts. Feeding is cooking plus the additional goals of making honest food that not only sells and and tastes good, but supplies nutrition, health, is environmentally-friendly, and gives something intangible of the cook to the diner.
Having recently graduated from culinary school (see Culinary School Confidential), I now have a set of skills with which to cook -- and am also on the path to feed. And cook better. Maybe work in the food industry. Make my non-cooking wifey happy. Read more. And write about it all here.
Here I also plan to post my daily entries describing what I eat and how it makes me feel. I am currently consulting a holistic nutritionist named Ilsa Jule, who needs this information to help give me feedback. I've been diagnosed with really high blood pressure, and I want to be around a long time, so I can spend time with my future kids.
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