Wednesday, March 25

Hey Shorty, it's mah birt-day!

Certificate of Occupancy is now in order, so looks like the restaurant is opening for real next Tuesday. Oy! Had class today, then off to the restaurant, mostly set up how we want the tables, dealt with the media (Time Out NY was there taking pics), went to a local copy shop to get delivery menus sorted. Then had to run out to hit up a birthing class with Beautiful Bodacious B! Full day. It's now 9:30 and I have to generate all sorts of signage and docs for the shop, and set up a presentation for class tomorrow....

BREAKFAST: 9:45am, 2 cart donuts, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 1pm, 2 slices pizza, small amount of "Pepsi Natural", 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Pepsi distributor gave up a sample of a new product, which is in a glass bottle, made with cane sugar, sparkling spring water and koala nut extract or something....and it tastes just like Pepsi, which means, it tastes like ass.

DINNER: 6pm, BLT on rye, fries, half a crappy piece of cake, water, 2 bowl, hunger 4/5
Snarfed down a sandwich from B, which we brought into birthing class. Had to get it down quick before they started talking about exploding hoo-hoos and sploshy pain! Gah!

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