Slept enough, but went straight to bed last night without doing any work; had to wake at 6am on a non-school day to grind. Calm before the storm at the restaurant, things starting to come together -- programmed the register with the indecipherable manual, created a hit list of the last food stuffs we need to cook the menu, got Hobart repair man to fix our floor mixer, scoped out a place to relocate the gelato, coordinated all sorts of details with front-of-house manager, and hosted an assortment of locals and visitors throughout day. For the first time in memory, I pretty much forgot to eat, not a very me thing. By the time I left, I felt a little nauseous from not eating, and by the time I rode my bike home, a bit woozy and acidy stomach!
BREAKFAST: 6:15am, smoothie, 1 bowl, hunger 3/5
Banana, frozen organic blueberries, half a kiwi, good yogurt, organic dead milk, freshly ground flax, shot of agave, vanilla, pinch of salt. Better flavor this time, nice balance of tart and sweet and earthiness. Too thick, though, maybe less yogurt next time.
AM SNACK: 10am, Manhattan Special, .25 bowl, hunger 3/5
PM SNACK: 1pm, handful of olives
PM SNACK: 3pm, glassful of latte de mendorla
PM SNACK: 5pm, snippet of gelato
DINNER: 7:45pm, shrimp in garlic sauce with black beans, yellow rice, small salad, crappy cheese cake ice cream, 2 bowls, hunger 4/5
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