Saturday, June 26


Set out to Coney Island with D, and we tested some 'special' shortbread I made a few days ago. By the time we got to Sheepshead Bay for lunch, we were munchy and happy. Then we road the Cyclone roller coaster, rode back to Prospect Park and lazed about the lake for  while, then I went home. I showered, ate some ice cream, then fell asleep around 4pm...woke up at 1:30am for a snack, back down around 3 and up at 8....about 16 hours of sleep. Never quite caught up after the early week restaurant...

BREAKFAST: 8am, iced green tea, multigrain tortilla chips with salsa, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

AM SNACK: 10am, special shortbread

LUNCH: 11:30am, oysters, shrimp over pasta, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 3pm, half a pint of ice cream

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