Monday, October 4


Rainy-ass Monday. Feel good, though I worry how 3 days of rain are going to grind on me.

From today's NY Times:
"When people make numerical estimates, they are notoriously subject to the distorting influence of “anchors”: numbers previously observed that linger in the mind and drag up or down the later estimate. A new study describes a related but opposite effect: when the anchor is in a very different category, it can drive the target estimate away, rather than pulling it closer.
In the study, students who contemplated a rich, calorie-laden food (a “decadent” cheesecake) followed by another caloric food (a cheeseburger) saw the cheeseburger as relatively low in calories. But when they first contemplated an organic fruit salad, the cheeseburger looked 33 percent more caloric than before.
“When we see items which are intuitively classified in different categories, that leads to contrast effects,” said the study’s author, Alexander Chernev, a professor of marketing at Northwestern University. The study is to be published in the Journal of Consumer Research. ■"
I think I've been looking from the higher end of the calorie scale lately, when I should be looking from the lower. I think I will be focusing on the color code system again soon.

8am, 3 banana pancakes, iced green tea, .75 bowl hunger 4/5
AM SNACK: 11:30am, Manhattan Special, piece of freshly baked bread, handful of olives, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
LUNCH: 2pm, 3 small slices of shrimp and clam pizza, small sprite
5pm, green salad, bread, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
DINNER: 7pm, meatball appetizer, 1 slice white pizza, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

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