Saturday, November 6

Laid Back Saturday

A very mellow Saturday. Woke up around 4am to an unhappy Edie. B got her back to bed, but not me. So after staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, I got up and made an epic batch of pancakes. Watched a little TV, and fell asleep as the ladies rose.

While I was powering up with some green tea, B was powering down with a slight fever, so she went back to bed and I did the Edie thing. Watched a movie while she napped, fed her, ate a small portion of school-made kasha, then went for a nice 2 hour walk with Edie around the neighborhood. On the sidewalk, she now doesn't resist holding my hand, which is suuuuper cute and wonderful.

When we got in, B arose and I tuned out on the TV with a big hearty bowl of school made farro & sausage. I forgot how satisfying this is -- whole grain, pork, potatoes, beans, all redolent of fennel and chicken stock. I wasn't really hungry for the rest of the day, only getting some veg down before hitting the sack around 10:30.

BREAKFAST: 5:30am, 4 buttermilk pancakes, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

AM SNACK: 10:30am, Ito En unsweetened green tea

PM SNACK: 1:30pm, kasha varnishkes, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

LINNER: 4:30pm, farro & sausage, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 6:30pm, baby carrots & cucumber slices with ranch dressing, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

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