Sunday, May 29


Oy. So I woke up sometime in the morning and my body evacuated quite thoroughly -- I was feeling a bit sick to my tummy all night and was relieved to get rid of some of the pressure. I had 0 appetite, a dry mouth, and between a lack of energy and a soreness from the previous day's ride, I could not do much other than lie on the couch or lie in the bed. Good thing B had Edie covered or I would have suffered a lot more.

I slept on and off all day, and forced myself to eat a few pieced of ruggelah in the afternoon. My appetite came back late, and a full tummy helped me get to sleep.

PM SNACK: 3pm, 5 pieces of ruggelah

EVENING SNACK: 1am, tortellini with olive oil and parm, a few pretzels, a lime ice pop, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

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