Saturday, July 9

I gotta do me, you do you.

Today was a big day for me n' Edles -- we went to the Bronx Zoo. We met up with a few friends with babies Edie's age, took a series of trains that ended up in a shuttle bus situation that was probably more stressful for the adults than the kids. Zoo was nice, but it ain't cheap to get in, and they nickle and dime you on everything possible, from charging extra for certain permanent exhibits to $3.25 for a bottle of soda that would be $1.75 off the grounds.

We went to the main commissary for lunch, and I ate food I brought, the CSA veg-infused pasta and a pickle, while Edie chowed down on my pasta and pickle, watermelon, blueberries, whole wheat goldfish, a little cheese and a whole mess of unsalted peanuts. The two other kids were fed breaded chicken fingers and french fries, which I understand -- it's easy, the kids like it and peace reigns in the valley. But it ain't cheap, and more than once in a blue moon can be kinda destructive. I felt  bad, a little bit snobby for feeding my child such holier-than-thou food, but I gotta do me, you do you, knowwhatamsayin'?

While we walked back slowly down Fordham Road in the heat and concrete, someone suggested slurpies at 7-11, and damn if 20oz of frozen corn syrup, phosphoric & citric acids, artificial flavor and color didn't hit the spot. In a theater, this drink would have been $6, but here it was $1.62 -- yep, I never had a slurpie at a 7-11 before. I guess I just got a little less snobby, he he.

BREAKFAST: 8am, iced green tea, 1/2 a bagel with cream cheese, .5 bowl, hunger 4/ a5

LUNCH: 2pm, greenie pasta, pickle, water, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 3:30pm cherry slurpie, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 5:30pm, peanut butter, a few cashews, a few whole wheat pretzels, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

DINNER: 6pm, 4 mini burritos, brown rice, water, watermelon, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
EVENING SNACK: 9pm, 8oz chocolate ice cream, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

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