Monday, April 2

Intergenerational Matza

Lifted weights, strapped on Mil and collected ingredients for kosher for passover-style knishes, which need to go out for delivery on Thursday, and served at the Seders I'm attending Friday and Saturday.

While finishing up the knish dough and caramelized onions, Edie came in from watching TV in the living room into the kitchen and asked for matzo. Not for a yogurt or a juice box or a pretzel or a cookie, but matzo, probably due to it being talked about a lot in school, including a matzo-making activity last week.

I remembered my mom saying you should always have a box of matzoh in your house at all times, it's like the non-religious equivalent of a mazzuzah. So I went to the back of the top of my cupboard, and what do you know, there was a box of matzo....from my mom! I remember one of the last Passovers my parents hosted, my mom had purchased a full crate of matzoh from her place of business, so she made every one take at least one box home with them. Looking at this sealed box, it was made in....2003, yup, sounds right. So I opened it, tasted it just to make sure I was not poisoning my daughter (yup, fine) and gave her a sheet to play with. -sigh- Matzoh, from grandmom to granddaughter, from Edna to Edna.

Knish Komponents: Peeled, cut and boiled up 10 lbs of potatoes to make 3 large batches of knish dough, using kosher for passover "cake flour" instead of standard flour. Hope it comes out OK, as I failed to test it in the last few weeks. Also diced and baked 18 lbs of onions at low temp over 6 hours with fat and salt to get the caramelized onions needed for the baking ahead.

AM SNACK: 7:30am, iced green tea
Washed down 2 extra strength tylenol, seems to be managing my minor kidney discomfort pretty well for now.

BREAKFAST: 9:15am, smoothie, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 1:30pm, peanut butter and cherry preserves on whole grain toast, water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 4pm, slice of streetza, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

6:30pm, beef basil fried rice, Thai salad, water, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5
I wasn't planning on ordering in, but felt a bit beat up with the knish prep and the 2 kids weighing on me, and wanting just dinner to BE there and we can all just sit together and be happy. Period. -sigh-

EVENING SNACK: 9pm, peanuts & chocolate chips, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

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