Thursday, May 3

Old School Scarfin'

Had some insane dreams about being locked in a room with some strangers in a post-apocalyptic world. Only I wasn't me, I was Jason Sudekis from SNL....

Woke up at 6:30 so I could get stuff done, lift weights, make knish dough, go out and pick up my packet for the 5 Boro, and other chores. Split at 2pm for teaching. Went grocery shopping after, then did laundry while winding down.

Didn't eat much at school, and ended up picking up a few indulgent things at the supermarket, which I scarfed down, old school style. Like, how I used to scarf before I went to c-school. How I used to scarf when I was in college. How I use to scarf as a kid. I used to do the whole-box-of-Entemann's-Chocolate-Chip-Cookies thing quite often in college, and that came from the comfort that particular brand of cookie gave me as a kid, as it was the kind of chocolate chip cookie my parents would very rarely have in the house. Despite my homemade c-chip cookies being vastly superior, those cookies really bring me back to a time when my parents were around to protect and love me. -sigh-. Cookies....

Knish Dough: Boiled up 5 lbs of potatoes to make 2 double batches of knish dough, came out pretty good, except I left my food mill at school so I had to use my mom's old potato masher. Not the biggest deal, as the gluten sticky glueness caused by a masher doesn't really hurt the quality of the dough. For a filling, no-go, but dough, fine.

AM SNACK: 6:45am, iced green tea

BREAKFAST: 8:45am, hardcore oatmeal, banana, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
Added too much salt, it is still edible but just slightly past the point where it goes from tastes BIG to tastes a little salty.

AM SNACK: 10:45am, homemade granola bar, water, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 12:45pm, eggplant hero with no cheese, house salad, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

SCHOOL DINNER: 7pm, whipped potatoes, chard & onions, sauteed chicken, sprite, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 10pm, 2 Jamaican beef patties, box of chocolate chip cookies, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5

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