Thursday, June 7

Researching counts on take out Chinese is scary.

Today's count is more a guess of intuition than based in hard counts. Had a major cook day with the students -- it was Brooklyn Queens day, so had students from both classes spend the whole day with me knocking out 9 dishes for 200 for an event on Saturday. What this meant was me on my feet in full-on awareness mode (which includes teaching, coaching, barking, yelling, cheering, pleading, joking, scolding and soothing, many at the same time) and popping a lot of little stuff in my mouth as we went along. Got home with a little sack of Chinese food, but....looking up calorie counts for that stuff on line is both frightfully inaccurate and....high across the board. That stuff is DENSE. I knew Chinese food was high in calories, but....a pint of fried rice and an app of shrimp toast is around 1,400 cal? I would have guessed half that.

Between the cola I sucked down during the day to keep me energized and focused, and the remainders of the brownie scraps in the fridge at night, I found myself pretty wide awake until around 2am. Oofah!


AM SNACK: 8:30am, iced green tea, 45 cal

BREAKFAST: 9:30am, brown rice crispies with organic dead milk, 300 cal

SCHOOL SNACKING: 11:30am-7pm, about 24oz of coke, about 5oz of meatballs, about 8oz of penne with sauce, +/- 1,200 cal

DINNER: 9pm, beef fried rice, shrimp toast, water, brownie scraps, water, +/- 1,900

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