Sunday, October 21

Disaster Day O' Donuts

After not going out last night and feeling crappy, my throat was scratchy in the morning. I considered staying home, but thought that just chores and staying home all weekend would make for a crappy weekend - a bike ride could turn it to a more good than crap weekend. Though everyone I was supposed to ride with dropped out, I went anyway and road up to the Bronx and did the Tour De Bronx. Between getting there and back, about 70 miles, a good day.

POWER SNACK #1: 8am, 2 excellent donuts, water, hunger 3/5
From my local bakery, fresh and organic.

POWER SNACK #2: noon, 2 OK donuts, 9-10 donut holes, half a croissant, big chocolate chip muffin, water, hunger 4/5
Was way too hungry way too early, and the food was all free. No, there really wasn't anything healthier there. There is something about unlimited free donuts...

UNPOWER SNACK #3: 2:30pm, 1/3 of a can of diet sunkist, hunger 3/5
The pastries sat like a brick in my stomach for the rest of the day, didn't eat anything at the next 2 rest stops, but they only had fruit and granola bars anyway (I can hear Ilsa groaning!) At the end they had free sodas, and I thoughtlessly grabbed one, started drinking it them remembered, ugg! I hate diet soda! He he. Tasted so acidy. I arrived too early for the free-za (it was crappy evil Dominos anyway), so was no big deal to skip it and leave.

COOL DOWN SNACK: 4pm, big green salad with Italian dressing, hunger 4/5
Home, nice farmer's market salad.

PM SNACK: 5:45pm, roasted ear of corn, hunger 4/5
From a street fair.

DINNER: 8pm, brisket with noodle pudding and string beans, a little hummus, babganoush & pita, olives, small chocolate cake, half glass of wine, water, hunger 4/5
Dinner at a nice Mediterranean place with good friends and guests. I actually hate brisket, but read meat really appealled to me this evening, after that ride. I thought maybe this would be different, as it wasn't made by my grandmom (disgusting brisket) or a friend, but it was still kind of stringy and funky tasting. Why do people like this stuff?

EVENING WATERING: 10:30pm, liter bottle of cherry seltzer
Feeling dehydrated. Only brought a water bottle on the ride, no camelback, probably only got though 50 oz of water.

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