Tuesday, October 23

Feel like puh-puh-puh-pizza toniiiite!

Got a full 8 hours of sleep, needed it from the echoes of Sunday's ride. Had the most bonkers dreams. I somehow got a time machine and I used it to take me and my friend Tamar back to 1970, before I was born, and we went around exploring NYC, looking at the typeface of the NY Times (in my dream it was different then, though I know it was the same), visited neighborhoods that are now hoity-toity but then slums, the undeveloped waterfronts, everything. I kinda wanted to pop in on my parents and see how they were doing, but Tamar and I both decided that would be too creepy. Like travelling through time is not creepy enough...

Last night before bed, I did something very unusual. I keep an off-line bike diary, where I record the experiences of ever long bikeride I take in a database. I've keep this log since my first real bikeride (to Coney Island, 35 miles) in 1999. Well, I've never really gone back and read entries. I pulled up all the entries for the Tour De Bronx, a ride I've done every year except '05, when my mom was sick and I was living with her (I was surprised to find that a solid 10 entries around that time were recorded, but I didn't write any thoughts - I was too depressed.) I write about the rides, but also about what I was feeling, what was going through my head during the ride, what I did the day before that maybe set up the physical state for the ride. It was, well, like travelling in a time machine. And, dare I say it, if I edited it and strung in some connective tissue, a lot more interesting than a silly food blog! Speaking of food...

Got whole-wheat dough in the freezer, picked up another ball of buffala mozz. Gonna experiment with uncooked pizza sauce tonight, blend the san marzanos, garlic, sea salt, olive oil, maybe an herb here or there. Ooo, I can see the healthy bright red color with little specs of herb in it now...

BREAKFAST: 7:30am, toasted garlic bagel with hummus and smoked cod, hunger 3.5/5
Bought the fish on a whim last night to change up breakfast a little, but it wasn't very good, especially compared to Russ & Daughters, I really shouldn't buy smoked fish anywhere except there. And though I'll spare you the TMI, upon getting to work I decided I need to throw out the remaining portion.

AM WATERING: 9am, 24 oz still water

LUNCH: 1pm, peanut butter on superhippy bread, last night's potatoes, 24 oz still water, hunger 4/5
The potatoes were too greasy but there is a certain potatoey flavor that the subtle lemon and herbs brought out that was really nice. Definitely a recipe I want to continue to refine. Huh, ate vegan by happenstance.

PM SNACK: 5:30pm, bag of Robert's Smart Puffs, hunger 4/5
Don't want to bing and rush to pizza tonight.

DINNER: 8pm, large green salad, one homemade pizza with wholewheat crust, small dish of black sesame gelato, seltzer, hunger 4/5
The first attempt at pizza was a tadpole emerging from the ocean for the first time. This pizza was the discovery of fire. Wow. I would not be embarrassed to serve that to friends. The whole wheat dough gave a pleasant nutty flavor, I blended the whole san marzanos with good olive oil, dried basil and a little sea salt, no cooking required. Light on the buffala moz, with a sprinkling of funky sheep pecorinno. Baked at 550+ on a stone, splashed it with olive oil when it came out. Crust was solidly crisp on the bottom, small pillowy layer on top locking into the sauce and well-baked cheese. All the ingredients came together to form a.....pizza! Not just bread, sauce and cheese, but pizza!

Funny, I met with Ilsa this evening but didn't feel the urge to run out and eat something unhealthy. Guess I'm slowly starting to get a grip on that nasty little boy.

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