Thursday, October 25

New Day to Get It Right

I guess working a freelance gig while under the Superstuffed pressure cooker wasn't the best thing for my peace of mind or diet, but things are looking up. Packed a healthy lunch and gonna end the day with yoga and a healthy meal out with friends. Despite my crankiness last night, my wife still loves me for some odd reason...

BREAKFAST: 7:30am, good yogurt with honey, vanilla and raw cashews, hunger 4/5
Weirdly hungry this morning, good 9 hours sleep. Despite the crappiness of dinner, the quantity of it was below usual Chinese-brick proportions.

LUNCH: 1pm, 3/4 of a superhippy peanutbutter sandwich, large green salad with italian dressing, hunger 4/5
Kinda not satisfied, still hungry, though this meal has satisfied me before. Kinda want sugar, kinda just want...more lunch. Will see how I feel in an hour or so, maybe a snack of significant proportions is in order.

I donated the other 1/4 of the sandwich to the Hungry Vegan Society.

PM SNACK: 3:30pm, lamb on pita, hunger 4/5
Went out for air and yummy lamb. Good to go for yoga, and healthier bits after.

DINNER: 8:30pm, tofu "pad thai", marinated burdock roots, piece of good bread, sip of salty soup, tahini noodles, a couple of fried mushrooms, green salad with carrot dressing, water, hunger 4/5
After yoga, went to Souen with the Hungry Vegan Society. Food was OK, the so-called pad thai was terrible - the menu said it featured smoked tofu, but the few little bits that I found swimming in the peanut sauce were just ordinary.

The deserts there were horrendously healthy and none involved chocolate, so I skipped it....

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