Sunday, April 13

Cradle to Grave, in Food Signs

In the door to a pre-school, a cute sign announces the early programming of 'snacks' into a child's regime. It's healthy (yogurt, muffins, toast, fruit salad, p&j sandwiches), it's for sharing, it's so wholesome.

Elsewhere, the bat-shit insane eyes of a department store catalog model stuffing a burger in his mouth somehow connected itself to the previous sign in my mind. Somehow, as some grow up and get older and fatter, they go bat-shit insane and start stuffing burgers down our gobs for a 'snack' - 24 hours a day.

BREAKFAST: 10:15am, waffle and home fries, water, 1.5 bowls, hunger 3/5
Rolled over to East River Cafe with B, sat at a table facing the window to the street like I used to with my mom, sometimes with my dad and a bunch of times after he passed. It's definitely comforting, that sort of continuity, because we certainly ain't going for the food! The waffle is soggy on one side, the home fries are pedestrian. Since I had bacon (and pastrami) yesterday, it was easy to skip the over-salty industrial bacon here.

LUNCH: 2pm, spinach salad, 'butt-crazy' rice, 1.5 bowls, hunger 4/5
Through some interesting ingredients into the rice cooker with the brown basmanti and water - diced red onion, diced elephant garlic, freeze-dried chives, freeze-dried porcini, sea salt, good butter. It came out so good that Betsy asked me to name it. The first thing that came to my mind is 'butt-crazy', hmmmm....

PM SNACK: 3:45pm, slice o' streetza, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
In Brooklyn, about to head for a bar for a friend's b-day thing, didn't want to have too empty a stomach. The pizza was surprisingly flavorless, but the crisp texture of the crust against the hot oil of the sauce and the gooeyness of the cheese almost made up for it.

PM DRINK: 4pm, 1 pint beer
A scary assortment of kiddy sweets were spread out, pixie sticks, pop rocks, tootsie rolls, yards of licorice. Yick!!

DINNER: 7pm, crusty bread and butter, .5 glass wine, lemon chicken soup, poached shrimp over slaw, hanger steak with grits, chocolate tart, a few bites of olive oil cake, mint herbal tea, water, 2.5 bowls, hunger 4/5
Nice meal amongst some of my best friends at ICI in Fort Greene, another birthday dinner in my honor, I think the 3rd this year, makes me feel a little embarrassed but in the end it was an honest expression of luv from my friends, I guess. Kinda like a much more cultured and adult version of Wednesday snack sharing time...

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