Saturday, May 16


Saw the most fantastic picture of the baby in utero, totally B's chin, the strong Frankenberger cleft chin. Hrumph! Busy from 10am to midnight, then had to decompress with some of the staff after. I guess I should've just gone home and slept, but I'd be bouncing off the walls.

BREAKFAST: 8:45am, cornflakes and milk, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

RESTAURANT HAZE 10am-midnight, a slice here, a slice there (L claims I burnt a pie, but it was only charred on the crust, still very edible), a snippet of gelato, a few glasses of lemonade, a short glass of beer, taste of dressed red pepper, several glasses of water, taste of prosciutto ball mix, a couple of cucumber wedges, a little really lame red velvet cake, ? bowls, hunger ??/?
Staff lunch was pepper and eggs, and eggs just turn my stomach, so my burnie had to do it for me.

LATE NIGHT SNORT: 1am, 1 pint of beer, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
I could've gone on, but between the buzz I got, knowing I had to do it again in 7 hours, and missing the very pregnant B, cut it short. Good thing I'm not 25, or I'd be out right now tearing dat sh@t up.

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