I road my bike to Nyack this morning for the first time this season. It's about 33 miles one way, and a good point to stop, eat, enjoy the Hudson River and turn back. I've always gotten a few items from a small deli, then gone to a public park by the water to pic-nic it and enjoy the view.
The little deli and grocery store I used to hit up is not there anymore. It was run by an old Irish American family who must of run it at least since the 70s. Up the street there is a large old brick building with a sign for a "Chef's Market" prepared-food emporium coming soon. Across the way, a twee health food store. I had to ride a few blocks off the main drag to the crummier part of the neighborhood to find an honest, plain deli....except that almost all the food in it was Spanish! Everyone in the place spoke Spanish, too. I ordered a standard turkey on a roll from the deli counter, and poked around....everything was brands I never heard of, kinda neat. I got some Diana Churritos (Cheetos made in El Salvador) and a bottle of Maneragua (imported from Mexico, bottled in Texas), basically a tonic water, seltzer with salts. I loved the fact that the new real working class is taking over the deli business, but it bums me out that in the nice part of town, affordable simple food has been pushed out in favor of a rather pretentious food emporium.
AM SNACK: 8:30am, glass of iced mint green tea
BREAKFAST: 9:30am, vegan blueberry waffle, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
There is fruit in this, and it's more than half whole-wheat, but there is so much oil in this thing that I just can't bring myself to making this a green-labelled food.
LUNCH: 12:45pm, 3/4 of a turkey on a roll sandwich, 20oz Gatorade, a bag of cheese-curls, a few sips of tonic water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Lunch from a bodega and eaten by the water in Nyack, mid-bike ride.
PM SNACK: 3:45pm, clif bar, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
A little powerup in the last 5 miles of the ride, felt right.
DINNER: 6:30pm, big green salad, shrimp & stringbeans with brown rice, fried wontons, mint chip ice cream, 2 bowl, hunger 4/5
I was very tempted to finish the ice cream last night, but since I ended on a fruit-note and wasn't particularly hungry, I resisted....so I could indulge and finish it after my bike ride!
EVENING SNACK: 8:30pm, 4 graham crackers with the good peanut butter, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Bike ride munchies.
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