Friday, April 2

Snickleconference 2010

Edie was up at all hours last night, so I was up at 8 with way too few hours of sleep. The few crunches and push ups I did yesterday left me sore in my midsection, which is 1) bad because I'm so weak but 2) good because it takes very little to get to the sore point you want from a good strength-building workout. Will ride tomorrow, will refocus on the weight training on Monday.

My new batch of iced tea is sweeter than previous, but still good. The HVS and Gooshgirl came over around 11am for Snickle Conference 2010, and I had them assemble some granola, and the batter for vegan blueberry waffles. The waffles were surprisingly good, though a bit heavier than the egg n' milk version.

AM SNACK: 8am, glass of iced mint green tea

10am, banana

12:15pm, bowl of hot granola and dead organic milk, 1 heavy vegan blueberry waffle, seltzer, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

4:15pm, shrimp fried rice, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 5pm, glass of iced mint green tea

DINNER: 8:30pm, chicken breast, meatballs in peas, bean stew, roast potatoes, white rice, babaganoush, tomato salad, green salad, mushroom pate, cucumber salad, matzoh, glass of wine, water, a little bit of fruit, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Nice sabbath dinner in the 'hood with some momfriends. Serious cooking, good food. Resisted the chocolate plate (kosher for passover, blech!) and had a few pieces of pineapple and kiwi.

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