Saturday, October 23

Paint the town mauve

Surprisingly sore from T's tribulation of terribleness, man I need to toughen up a bit. Plans to travel today cancelled, so me and the fam had a nice morning in Soho, then a swing by the Hester Street Fair for a revelatory snack. Babysitter came in the eve, and me and B painted the town a nice shade of mauve, just like a nice pre-middle age couple should!

BREAKFAST: 9:15am, pumpernickel bagel with chevre and sable, iced green tea, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Holy crap, using goat cheese on a bagel with smoked fish makes something so familiar so interesting. Damn, why didn't I do this years ago?

LUNCH pt 1: 1:30p, beef empanada, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Fried to order at the Hester Street Fair. Perhaps the best empanada I ever had. My only complaint is that when the dude offered my hot sauce and/or spicy mayo, I should have taken him up on it -- if a guy who makes something this good offers a condiment to go with his product, it probably makes it even better.

LUNCH pt 2: 2:15pm, large green salad, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
I used boston and ice berg lettuces. While there is lots of water and a little fiber in it, I probably should aim for a greener, more nutritional leaf next time.

PM SNACK: 4pm, half a brownie

DINNER: 5:45pm, sausage and kraut, kale pakora, guacamole, whole wheat naan, pint of beer, water, a little chocolate souffle, a little apple cheesecake, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Took B out for dinner and a movie. Went to an old standby, Tabla, which is going to be closing in the next month or so. Food was good but not as good as I remember, the level of service was trimmed back, and all and all the specter of the  bad economy hung in the room like stagnant cigarette smoke. Still, I had a lot of great dinners in that room and it was nice to have one more time there.

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