Thursday, April 21

Muskles, geh-geh-geh!

Woke up properly this morning, as Edie slept through the night. I decided to go a little harder on the weights -- my tone has definitely improved, when I push my blubber, the muscles underneath feel firmer, harder. But I don't feel like my strength has particularly increased (and certainly not my muscle-to-fat ratio), so I bumped up each exercise by 1 increment, between 5 and 10 lbs, and I increased the number of push ups and sit ups. I definitely felt the difference, and suspect I'll be a little sore tomorrow, just like I was when I started this new regimen a few months ago.

Restaurant went bezerk due to good weather and holidays, but no servers showed up so it was just me and a busser covering the floor for the first two hours, full house with a line for the 2nd hour. I enjoyed it, but if I had to perform at that level for 10 hours, phew.... I think I would snap after about 4 to 5 hours of that kind of intensity. Great fun, but definitely not my destiny.

BREAKFAST: 9am, the good yogurt with honey, vanilla & peanuts, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

RESTAURANT DAZE: 12am - 11pm, 2 slices of pizza, half a green salad, 8oz sprite, 1 beer, .5 bowl, hunger ?/5

EVENING SNACK: midnight, donuts, burgers, tatertots, water, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5
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