Wednesday, October 31

I'd Like to Give the World a Pizza

Cooking last night was really satisfying. B is a really good sounding board for trying my pizzas! May have to get a 2nd stone so I can make two pizzas at once...a proper pizza peel is in the mail to me as I type....

7am, good pancakes and good non-nitrite bacon, hunger 4/5
Woke up at 4:30am...felt good, excited to meet the day. Things going good at work, the pressure is still on but it's manageable. Despite the chocolate last night, woke up hungry. Waited till 6:30 to start cooking. Hopefully this heavy food early on will help with hunger later. Try to make this a sweets-free day...

AM WATERING: 9:30am, 24 oz still water

LUNCH: 1:45pm, scallion pancake, curried soy protein with potatoes, carrots, funky rice, 2 spring rolls, water, hunger 4/5
Went to the midtown Zen Palate. Now that the Union Square location shut down because of the rent increases, this is a good regular lunch option. Didn't really need that pancake, though.

PM WATERING: 5pm, 24 oz still
Still feeling full, slightly craving sugar but this water is knocking it out.

DINNER: 7pm, family style chinese dinner, kale-like veg in sauce, salt & pepper fried squid, curnchy noodles in goopy sauce, odd seafood salad, a little white rice, a little water, hunger 3/5
Dinner with B, my friend Yana and her parents at Congee Village. Me and B were the only white people there. Ate a medium-sized meal, but between the large breakfast & lunch and being tired, just wasn't too hungry. I wonder if my lack of sleep lead to the heaviness of my first two meals...

A weird warm red-bean sweet soup was served after the meal. I tried half a teaspoon, but wasn't even in the mood for sweet, and this was the furthest from chocolate you could get.

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