Thursday, November 1

Oo, I'm such a Fatty McFatster. Oo, my hair is curly. Oo, etc etc.

Feeling a little fat lately, not riding, may not ride this weekend. No sweets yesterday, gonna try to hold out till dinner dessert - taking Corinna out for her birthday to Craft tonight, really looking forward to it, both the stubborn kid and the rational adult agree that this is a place to indulge. Last time I tried 2 days in a row I got a sad headache by after lunch.

7:30am, toasted onion bagel with good butter, hunger 3/5

BP 8:15am: 125/85

LUNCH: 12:30pm, superhippy peanutbutter sandwich & large green salad with hippy garlic dressing, hunger 4/5
Good sandwich. Not sure about the Ann's non-vinegar garlic dressing, kinda both like and not like it. This is a very easy and convenient lunch to pack, but I need to expand my lunch palate if I hope to eat packed-lunch more than 2x a week.

PM SNACK: 2:30pm, lightly salted Kettle potato chips, hunger 4/5
I can't be super-hungry all day if I'm going to put the sweets on hold. The Roberts stuff is getting boring. These chips were good though still too salty (220mg in the bag, 10% of the dv, and just plain salt to boot), but satisfying.

DINNER: 6:30, 2 pieces white bread, 2 pieces multi-grain bread with butter, spoonful of smoked anchovies, a little hamachi sushi, a little romaine salad, bite of cod, small rack of organic hormone-free pork, roasted onions, creamy gnocchi, weirdly good Swiss chard, porchini mushrooms, a spoonful of butternut squash, small amounts of chocolate tart and ginger bread, mini choco-peanut tart, small shot of concord grape spritzer, water, 1 glass prosecco, hunger 4/5
Took Corinna to Craft for her birthday, great fun, and again the food was over-the-top good, was extra fun because Corinna always really gets into appreciating food - I think I kind of inherited that from her when I dated her starting when I was an impressionable 18 yr old.

Corinna and her husband have been practicing the Southbeach diet for 4 months now, and she looks really well and thinner. Other than he gnocchi and spritzer, most of the things we had she could eat in that diet. Because she ordered a lot of the meal, I tried some things I wouldn't otherwise - the Swiss chard was nice like spinachy but with it's own character, but the creamed butternut squash was too sweet for my tastes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oooo, yooo soooo handsoooome!
your chubby but happy wife