Monday, October 29

2/3 of the American Dream

Sunday, took a road trip with friends to Philly to shoot guns at a range. Unlike NY, a drivers license will get you access from any thing from a small handgun to a full-automatic machine gun. Never having shot a gun before, by the time I worked my way up to the Smith & Wesson .44 (the Dirty Harry Gun), my wrist had all it could take.

We went into Philly for real cheese steaks after - between the guns and the red meat, it was definitely a good hunk of the American dream. The other third, I guess would be to go cow-tipping or something.

BREAKFAST: 7am, god yogurt with raw nuts, hunger 3/5

AM SNACK: 9am, a couple of good donuts, hunger 4/5

AM SNACK: 11am, bad slice of pizza, swig of diet coke, 34 oz bottle of still water, hunger 4/5
Highway services station, nothing healthy. The diet coke was gross but appealing, thought about it for a minute, then realized I was honestly very thirsty. Not in the dry-mouth kind of way, but craved liquid. Never really picked up on that before so consciously.

PM SNACK: 1pm, half a good donut, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 3pm, Philly cheese steak with provolone, bottle of water, small chocolate ice cream cone, hunger 4/5
Surprisingly good. Expecting something greasy, but it was relatively moist but undrippy, exceptionally fresh and the meat flavor was nicely unfunky at all.

DINNER: 8pm, small green salad, 2 pretzels with peanut butter, hunger 3/5

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