Saturday, April 18

Burning at both ends, sides too

Woke up, rolled over to the 'rant and pretty much got hammered by L all day long until dinner service, where he seemed to run out of steam. Fortunately we have an experienced pizzaman to pick up the slack, but L has been butting heads, and the new guy might not last. Hell, will I last? L wants me to be more like....him. Aggressive, more pushy, eyes on everyone at all times. I agree, to be manager you have to be there and be interactive and know what's happening, but the yelling, the bullying, the fits of anger, the threats, that's just not my style or personality. I think I genuinely have the respect of the kitchen and other staff, but I wonder how much of that is simply because the captain of the ship is barking and they're looking for sense of calm in this job of theirs that they were able to land in this crap economy? I'm so tired...

BREAKFAST: 9am, organic cornflakes with dead organic milk, .5 bowl, hunger 3/5

LUNCH: 3:30pm, penne with vodka sauce, a little bread, water, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5

RESTAURANT HAZE: 5-10pm, 2 glasses mendorla, a few slices of cucumber, a little water, GuS orange soda, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNACK: 10:30pm, slice of pizza with roasted red peppers, onion, mushroom, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5

EVENING SNORT: 11pm, tastes of two new wines in the 'rant

AM SNACK: 1am, cold slice of pizza, 3 cookies, quart of water, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Yes, after a long day at the pizzeria, I came home and ate cold pizza.

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