Sunday, July 12

Getting minty with it

BREAKFAST: 9am, organic chex with the good milk, .5 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 11:45am, slice of crappy Earth Mother pizza, .75 bowl, hunger 4/5
This stuff is even worse reheated. The crust is really whole wheat bread, in the old 70s hippy style of too little leavening, too much dirt flavor. Fneh.

LUNCH: 1pm, bagel with cream cheese, onion, tomato, minted lemon aide, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Bunch of peoples & another baby over. I wanted to make bagels, B insisted on my going out and buying them. However, I did get to make something, inspired by the minted lemonade B bought for me from a local restaurant. A medium 12 oz cup of this stuff, watered down with too much ice, was $3.50. When I went to the market, everything (minus the sugar, ice and water) was $3.41....for SIX servings, not one. I made up the recipe based on method learned in school and from making gallons upon gallons of stuff at the resto:
Noah's Minted Lemonade Serves 6

6 lemons
1 lime
1 bunch mint
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
5 cups water and ice by volume
  1. Remove all mint leaves from stem. Set aside the 6 best looking leaves. Mince the leaves.
  2. Combine sugar, 1 cup of water and minced leaves in a small pot. Bring to boil, return to simmer for 2 minutes. Turn off heat. Let sit for 5 minutes.
  3. While sitting, juice lemons and limes, strain out all seeds and pulp.
  4. Strain minted syrup through a cheesecloth, squeeze out all liquid.
  5. Combine syrup, lemon juice and 5 cups of iced water into serving pitcher, mix well with wooden spoon. Serve with the remaining ice cubes in the pitcher and one mint lead, shiny side up.
NOTE: The concentration INCLUDES the water from the melting cubes, so it may taste a little strong in the beginning, but mellows one the ice melts. You can add water to taste, of course.

NOTE 2: I used "vegan" white sugar so I guess this is vegan minted lemonade!!
The syrup step really makes all the difference in getting a great mouthfeel and an honest, strong but tasty mint flavor that is heightened by the acidity of the lemon.

PM SNACK: 5:30pm, Korean pickle diakon, a few Japanese sweet mochi rice snacks, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 6:45pm, handful of pistachios

DINNER: 7:30pm, frozen pizza, orange soda, 1.25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Trader Joes brand, totally ass.


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